Happy Australia Day!
Happy Australia Day!
26th January has been celebrated as Australia day since it was declared a public holiday 1833. This is the day that Australians all over the world celebrate all things from down under and reflect what it is like to be an Australian.
The whole country gets involved, over 13 million Australians will take part. Family and friends will be throwing parties. Communities will be coming together for events and workplaces will hosting morning teas and lunches. There are events organised by the state government but different states and territories also organise their own celebration of this great country.
Australia day also provides an opportunity to acknowledge and learn about the past. It’s a time for the population to recognise the importance the First Peoples, Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders played in creating the Australia we know today. Time to honour the traditions and cultures from the past and acknowledge their input in creating Australia. It is a time to celebrate the countries diversity.
And on this day 16,000 lucky people will become new Australian citizens.
And, although he has been stuck in the United Kingdom for many years our very own Stewart Crowther will be celebrating. Perhaps enjoying a Barbie on the beach with some Tinnies and Snags? Ok maybe a beach and some decent weather might be hard to find in Wimbledon but we’ll all be celebrating at Kingsbridge Chauffeur.
To find out more about Australia Day and what is happening click on this link